Board of Ed Agenda 9-16-2024


Regular Meeting

Monday, September 16, 2024

5:30 P.M.

Wall School Gym


  1. Call to Order and Welcome

  1. Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Introductions

  1. Sturgis Public Schools Mission Statement

  1. Approval of Agenda  

  1. Sturgis Showcase:  

    1.  Wall School Staff

  1. Public Comments: This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District's business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is a time for public participation during the meeting as indicated in an agenda item.

  2. Informational Items:

    1. Administrative Reports

  3. Action Items:

    1. 9-9-2024 Board Meeting Minutes - T. Andrews

    2. August 2024 Financial Statements and Invoices - R. Sterling

  4. Action Items for  October 14th:

  1. Motion to Adjourn